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Canadian Wood Waste Recycling (CWWR) Business Group

Rethink – Recover –  Reduce – Reuse – Recycle


Implementation of R5

As a rule, Canadian Wood Waste Recycling has adopted the R5 elements of environmental waste management practice.

CWWR Recycling Code

The CWWR Wood waste recycling activities are classed as the R5 recycling methodology.
This CWWR environmental R5 recycling guide element has been prepared for all environmental stakeholders to utilize as named acronym to understand our environmental closed loop Wood waste recycling lifecycle system.
The CWWR sees resource waste not only as an environmental problem but also as a financial waste and a social injustice.
Rethink: It is ultimately up to us to really, start thinking about what we buy Wood products, why we buy it and how we can recycle Wood waste. We encourage all stakeholders to rethink resource consumption, the closed loop Wood waste recycling life cycle, also encourage the integration of the R5 hierarchy into decision-making to minimize environmental impact.
Recover: The recover process of Wood waste recovery occurs through the identification cycle recognizing the future commercial, retail and consumer reuse sort applications of the former Wood waste.
·         WoodReProSort — Commercial business applications, Wood recycling facility
·         WoodRemanSort — Commercial and retail business applications
·         WoodBarnSort — Commercial and retail business applications
Reduce: We aim to reduce consumption – the best way to reduce environmental impacts and to conserve Wood and Forest resources.
Reuse: When consumption is necessary, we encourage reusable options. Be creative about finding new uses for things! Waste not. It’s good business, and it’s good for the environment. Whether reclaiming Wood waste for energy or for making useful Wood products, the CWWR looks for ways to maximize resources and improve efficiency.
Recycle: Our aim is to find, promote environmentally sound, economically justified solution for Wood waste based on the best available technologies. Wood recycling is the process of turning waste wood into usable products and materials.

Think Wood Waste Recycling

The mission of R5 is to engage all stakeholders to achieve Zero Wood waste.
The CWWR creates long-term value by using our Wood waste resources efficiently to provide innovative educational advice, guidance and environmentally sound balance of solutions that meet the balance of mother earth and society, while living in a harmonious manner that is environmentally and socially responsible and economically sound.
Throughout our short history, the CWWR has worked to provide leadership resources that improve people’s lives, use Wood waste resources wisely, actively engage in our commercial, retail businesses and communities to contribute to society by being an accredited Bioeconomy leader. In a word, R5 represents Wood waste recycling sustainability.
At CWWR, we define sustainability as “meeting the needs of society today without jeopardizing our ability to do so in the future.”
Our Wood waste recycling sustainability has three dimensions–social, environmental and economic. To remain sustainable, our decisions must balance all the dimensions of sustainability. We need to focus on creating long-term value while understanding the impact of our Wood waste recycling, Bioeconomy business decisions in each of these dimensions.
The CWWR is delivering innovative Wood waste recycling solutions that extend environmental benefits into the marketplace to our members and stakeholders and consumers.
TheCWWR continuously explores ways to minimize our impact on the environment—reducing raw material needs, water usage, air emissions and wood waste at the source.
Wood recycling market opportunities

1. Ground, shredded and or screened Wood waste

Wood is recovered to be ground, shredded and or screened for new reuse markets
Reuse markets
Daily landfill cover, Drilling waste absorbent, Liquid hazmat sludge stabilizer, Emergency hazmat spillage clean-up absorbent, Lease site amendment and reclamation product, Soil conditioner, Remediation, Regenerative product in agriculture, Water conservation material, Base for provisional roads, parks, trails, pathways, Landscaping product, Composting, Equine bedding, Waste-to-energy fuels, Biomass, Briquettes, Fire logs, Pellets, Biochar, Bio coal, Biogas, Biodiesel, Ethanol, Biogas, Biodiesel

2. Remanufactured Wood waste

 Remanufactured Wood is either Sawmilled, Kilned, Planned and or Milled for new reuse markets
Reuse markets
Dimensional Lumber, Beams, Posts, Planking, Siding, Decking, Steps, Wood Mantels & Corbels, Bar & Countertops, Doors & Windows, Tables & Chairs, Cabinets, Wood Mirrors & Shelves, Wood flooring, Wall board, Roofing, Fireplace Mantle

3. Used Wood — Barn Wood waste

Used Barn Wood is recovered sorted, inventoried and readied for new reuse markets
Reuse markets
Dimensional Lumber, Beams, Joists, Trusses, Posts, Planking, Siding, Ceiling, Roof Sheathing, Wall boards, Decking, Steps, Wood Mantels & Corbels, Bar & Countertops, Doors & Windows, Tables & Chairs, Cabinets, Wood Mirrors & Shelves, Wood Flooring & Sub-flooring, Fixtures and Miscellaneous