The Canadian Wood Waste Recycling Business Group creates long-term value by using our Wood waste resources efficiently to provide innovative educational advice, guidance and environmentally sound balance of solutions that meet the balance of mother earth and society, while living in a harmonious manner that is environmentally, socially responsible and economically sound.
Throughout our short history, the Canadian Wood Waste Recycling Business Group has worked to provide leadership resources that improve people’s lives, to use Wood waste resources wisely, actively engage in our Forestry/Logging/Oil & Gas/Municipal Landfill/Agriculture and communities to contribute to society by being an accredited Wood waste recycling industry leader.
At Canadian Wood Waste Recycling Business Group, we define sustainability as “meeting the needs of society today without jeopardizing our ability to do so in the future.”
Our Wood recycling industry sustainability has three dimensions – social, environmental and economic.
To remain sustainable, our decisions must balance all the dimensions of sustainability.
We need to focus on creating long-term value while understanding the impact of our Wood waste recycling industry business decisions in each of these dimensions.
The Canadian Wood Waste Recycling Business Group is delivering innovative Wood recycling resource management utilization tools, ranging form and including business start-up and expansion solutions that extend environmental benefits into the marketplace to and for our registered business members, partnerships, stakeholders, government and consumers.
Canadian recycled Wood reuse market opportunities
1. Ground, shred, hammer-milled and or screened Wood waste
Reprocessing Old Wood waste.
Industry service type — the business of providing grinding, shredding, hammer milling and screening services, the recycled Wood products are sold into new markets
Reuse markets
Recycled wood reuses
Product Reuse Markets: The reuse applications range from and include: daily landfill cover / Drilling waste absorbent / Soil amendment / HVAC / Conditioner / Regenerative product / Remediation / Lease site berm / Water conservation material / Base material for provisional Roads, Parks, Trails and Pathways / Specialized landscaping product / Composting / Equine, animal bedding / Waste-to-Energy fuel and miscellaneous reuses
2. Remanufacturing Wood waste
Industry service type — the business of providing portable saw-milling service, processing the recycled Wood for resale into new markets
Reuse markets
Product Reuse Markets: The reuse applications range from and include new Building products / Dimensional lumber / Beams / Posts / Planking / Siding Decking / Steps / Wood Mantels & Corbels / Bar & Countertops / Doors & Windows / Tables & Chairs / Cabinets / Wood Mirrors & Shelves Wood flooring Wall board / Roofing / Fireplace Mantle and miscellaneous reuses
3. Barnwood. Reusing old Wood Waste.
Used Barn Wood is recovered sorted, inventoried and readied for new reuse markets
Reuse markets
Recovered Barn wood reuses (Building products)
Dimensional Lumber, Beams, Joists, Trusses, Posts, Planking, Siding, Ceiling, Roof Sheathing, Wall boards, Decking, Steps, Wood Mantels & Corbels, Bar & Countertops, Doors & Windows, Tables & Chairs, Cabinets, Wood Mirrors & Shelves, Wood Flooring & Sub-flooring, Fixtures and Miscellaneous
Recyclable Wood Material
“A wooden product or substance no longer useable in its current state that can be diverted or recovered from municipal solid waste and used in the processing or manufacturing of a new product.”
Recycle or Recycling
“Means any process by which Commercial, Construction, Demolition, Municipal Solid Waste and Recyclable materials are transformed into new products.”

Industries That Utilize Recycled Wood Waste
The recycled wood reuse markets will vary from location to location based on mediating circumstances such as quantifiable characteristics; individual Wood waste recycling management strategies, location, population, industries and reuse markets.
- Waste-to-energy
- Transmission and distribution
- Landfill and transfer station
- Composters
- Compost facilitators
- Agriculture
- Farming
- Equine and Landscapers
- Engineering firms
- Consumers
- County and Governmental
- General Contractors
- Construction
- Hobbyists
- Décor reclaimed retailer
- Artists
- Wood Reuse Manufacturers
- Land developers
- Oil & gas
- Builders
- Designers
- Architects
- Landscaping Service Providers
- Interior Renovators
Industries Generating Wood Waste
- Construction building
- Demolition
- Manufacturing
- Transportation
- Distribution
- Railway
- Agriculture
- Farming
- Woodlot
- Land clearing
- Industrial
- Commercial and Retail
- Wood waste recycling facilities
- Class IIILandfills
- Transfer Stations
- Forestry
- Logging
- Timber harvesting
- Lumber
- Pulp & Paper Mills
- Oil & Gas
- Energy
- Pipe line
- Transmission power